home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, July 23, 2010 - Page 9 of 66 - << previous page : next page >>
The out door gift shop has moved across the way (my guess so this area can be used for World of Color viewing)
The out door gift shop has moved across the way (my guess so this area can be used for World of Color viewing) Click to switch to large image view
Its new location (also looks to be a few racks smaller).
Its new location (also looks to be a few racks smaller). Click to switch to large image view
As you can see they center platform is still at show level (I have seen it raised but never lower for what seems a couple months now).
As you can see they center platform is still at show level (I have seen it raised but never lower for what seems a couple months now). Click to switch to large image view